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Sampling soil and groundwater in hazardous conditions such as substations

Green river sampling.png

Pre-design investigation of the Green River, MA

Investigation and remediation of wood treater sites, pole storage yards, in-service poles, rail yards


Site investigation and fate and transport study to confirm the integrity of a coal pile liner at a power plant.

Since our incorporation in 1990, we've provided high quality environmental investigation and site management services to more than 60 electric and gas utilities from Florida to Alaska, along with government agencies, insurance companies, lenders, developers, and many other clients.

We  provide our clients with thoughtfully integrated, multidisciplinary environmental consulting solutions. Our superior knowledge of environmental chemistry assures our clients that we will provide accurate, high quality data, and that the data will be interpreted and applied correctly to site management issues.

  • Environmental forensics, source identification, and cost allocation

  • Litigation Support and Expert Testimony

  • PCB Fire and Dioxin/Furan contamination investigations

  • Site-specific contaminant release and transport studies; NAPL transport and fate

  • Sediment characterization and management

  • Vapor Intrusion sampling

  • Applied natural attenuation

  • Hydrogeological studies and groundwater plume delineation

  • Site investigations

  • Remedial planning and monitoring; construction oversight

Because of our long history working with power utilities, META has extensive experience at former manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites, wood treatment and storage sites, electrical substations, service stations, tank farms and pipelines, and other commercial/industrial sites.

META does more than routine environmental consulting and soil testing. We have supported our consulting business with basic and applied scientific research in a number of areas. The research has been funded by EPRI, GTI, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and others and has been the subject of numerous reports, presentations, and publications. In the process, we have developed several specialties for which we are nationally known.

National reputation for excellence in the following areas:
  • Environmental forensics and cost allocation with special emphasis on multi-contamination, multi-source, multi-party complex systems such as urban rivers, lakes, and harbors

  • Manufactured Gas Plants (MGP) and coal tar chemistry including DNAPL and LNAPL composition, transport, and fate assessment; cyanide complex chemistry and evaluation other related waste byproducts.

  • Experience in tar refining and byproducts, byproduct coke operations, light oil recovery, pitch production, pavement sealers, and road construction

  • Extensive experience investigating and remediating former MGP sites

  • Petroleum chemistry including gasoline and diesel composition, source differentiation, and age of release estimation

  • PCB, PCDD, and PCDF chemistry, analytical methods, and environmental weathering

  • Extensive experience evaluating byproducts of PCB fires at substations and industrial and commercial facilities

  • Background PAH sources and distributions

  • Sediment characterization and assessment including low-level PAH analyses in difficult matrices

  • Custom sampling techniques and equipment

  • Wood-treating chemistry, fate and transport, including creosol, pentachlorophenol (PCP), CCA, and wood-treating alternatives

  • Remediation-based bench-scale treatability testing

  • Porewater sampling and analysis including SPME

  • Expedited site characterization, special laboratory and field analysis methods

  • Advanced chemometrics, statistics, and data presentation methods

  • Experience using PCA, PVA, and other multivariate source identification and allocation methods in litigation

  • Natural attenuation planning and monitoring

2018 By Alicia Pruner; updated 2023

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